Honoured to be invited onto the ‘Stump the experts’ panel at the annual joint @britspag/@RCObsGynconference. Really looking forward to it! #PAG.
In collaboration with BritSPAG, this in-demand two-day virtual conference provides insight into the latest advancements in paediatric and adolescent gynaecology (PAG).
Adolescents represent one quarter of the world’s population with their specific health needs being increasingly recognised. The joint RCOG/BritSPAG Annual Meeting provides a balanced programme covering the common conditions as well as the advances in the rapidly changing field of Paediatric and Adolescent Gynaecology (PAG).
The first day of the meeting focusses on the training aspects in PAG and the second day provides an annual update in PAG. The programme is tailored to meet the needs of the delegates by providing an overview of how to communicate, assess and consent young people who present to our service as well as learning the right terminology and nomenclature for certain conditions.
Other areas reflect technology-driven advances in imaging and surgery for many aspects of management of complex congenital anomalies. As healthcare evolves so do the challenges. These are reflected in the programme with diagnosing and managing adnexal pathology and ovarian tumors. The final session covers how the workforce can evolve collaboratively to deliver high quality specialist care in PAG. The multidisciplinary nature of paediatric and adolescent gynaecology is reflected in the invited speakers, providing an opportunity to learn from other disciplines.
For more information and to view the full itinerary click here.